We, at the Scholarship Management Unit of Takatuf Oman, blend academic distinction with real-world application. Our team oversees a variety of esteemed programmes, notably the Takatuf Scholars Programme, Ruwad Oman, and the National Scholarship. These initiatives are meticulously crafted to hone the talents of Oman’s most promising youth, equipping them for success in both their personal and professional lives. Our focus is on imparting skills that enable them to thrive in a rapidly evolving global context, all while contributing positively to Oman’s progress.

Our ethos is anchored in a dual commitment: fostering local development and extending a hand of cooperation and innovative contribution to the global stage. This dual focus ensures that our policy is defined with precision and our actions resonate both locally and internationally. In essence, we are more than participants in the global community; we are active contributors, dedicated to striking a balance between nurturing local talent and engaging constructively on a worldwide scale.

Meet The Team

Ali Al Mahrouqi

Director of Scholarship Management

Dr. Qasim Al Mamari

Associate Director – Scholarships Oversight

Amur Al Aamri

Head of University Studies

Heather Fleming

Head of Scholars Recruitment & Enrichment Programmes

Hilal Al Mamari

Head of Preparatory & Parallel Programmes

Shahad Al Rashdi

Scholar Affairs Office

Mahmood Al Hinai

Records and Data Analyst

Amal Al Rasbi

Academic & Funds Support Officer