Business needs Scholars

Programme Overview

Programme Flow chart

Eligibilty and Selection

  • Omani students who are completing Grade 10 are eligible to apply if they meet the academic requirements.
  • The Takatuf Scholars Programme operates according to established protocols that are based on principles of equity and consistency for all who meet the eligibility requirements and complete the application process.
  • Eligibility is based on:
    • Academic performance
    • Family and school support
  • Selection is based on:
    • English language proficiency
    • Personal essay
    • Reasoning ability
    • Interview
    • Distribution requirements

All work is assessed by professional academic staff, and the results are reported to the Takatuf Scholars Directorate. Ranking is done according to a published formula, and oversight is provided by an independent auditor.

Offers of a place in the programme are made to the students who rank highest in accordance with the distribution requirements and who have provided all required information.