International Scholarship

When do applications open for International scholarships? 

Dates of applications are announced by Takatuf along with requirements and criteria through different social media channels. This typically happens in spring semester and the application window is open for a month.

What are the requirements to apply? 
  • The programme is available to Omani nationals who are registered in Grade 11 at the point of application. (Grade 12 in some private schools)
  • To be considered for the programme, the student must complete the application process in English and upload all required documents. Incomplete applications or those not submitted in English will not be considered.
  • To be eligible to apply, the student must have achieved an overall average of 75% or above and a score of 75% or above in English in the first semester of Grade 11 as evident in the transcript.
  • Please refer to this page to read more (
Where should I apply? And what does the application consist of? 

Go to program page in the website, click on “Apply Now” box to create an application. The application process will require you to enter your personal details, your family details, and your school details including the subjects you study and your scores. You will also be asked to upload a copy of your transcript, your national I.D (or passport) and your photo. You will also be asked to have your parents sign and upload a Parental Consent Form. Download here:

  1. Consent Form in English
  2. Consent Form in Arabic
How do I know my application is accepted and What will be next? 
  • Once you have completed an application, press submit. If everything is complete, you will receive a message indicating that the application is complete. You will also receive an email.  Please note that completing the application process does not automatically lead to enrolment into the programme. 
  • In response to a completed application, you will receive an email from the programme administration advising you of the date, time and location of your testing session. 
  • There will be one testing location in each one of the eleven governorates of Oman. You will be offered the chance to select your preferred testing location in the online application platform
What happens after I complete the tests? 
  • You will be provided with your English language test scores. 
  • Top-scoring candidates will be invited to complete a writing sample and an interview through an online platform.
What tests will I need to complete as part of the selection process? 

There will be one test of your English language proficiency. Another test will be used to indicate your ability to learn at a tertiary level, both tests are online. 

How long is the scholarship ?

Total of 6 years, two years will be spent in a boarding school which will prepare you for the rigor of applying to and attending leading universities followed by 4 in pursuing an undergraduate degree. Normally, students can transfer academic credits from boarding school years to university.

I have to concentrate on getting the best grades I can in my studies. The Takatuf Scholars Programme is competing with this, and I am too busy to complete them. What should I do?
  • We understand how important success at school is to all of the Scholars. For this reason, the assignments you have been given by the Takatuf Scholars Programme have been designed to complement and support your studies. For example:
  • The SWOT analyses of your English proficiency should help you to identify those areas where you need to improve and work harder. This should in turn help you achieve higher grades in your school English work. Online learning resources such as Clarity can help you improve not just your proficiency, but also your grades.
  • The project you will complete during the first semester of the coming academic year for the Takatuf Scholars Programme is a service or learning engagement that should allow you to develop your practical skills. For some of you, this may relate to a school assignment, and for others, it might not. For everyone, it will be a source of practical learning and experience that will support your continued success.
  • The e-Portfolio and journal assignments will help you to utilise the tools that you began to use during the summer programme, and think about how they might connect to your studies. These are opportunities for reflection, which in turn will help you think about how you can develop your learning capacity.
  • The Takatuf Scholars Programme staff are prepared to help you think about multi-tasking, how to connect these assignments to your school work and how to manage your time effectively. Aside from the project you will complete, the assignments should take approximately 15-30 minutes weekly – time that will help you think about where you are, and where you need to move to in order to succeed.
I want to pursue a medical degree. Can I do that as a Takatuf Scholar, and what kind of support can I expect?
  • The Takatuf Scholars Programmes supports students through the pre-tertiary programme and throughout their university degree. As a Takatuf Scholar, you benefit from the summer programme, the IT hardware and programmes provided to you and an ongoing relationship with the programme Directorate. Those of you who secure national scholarships to study Medicine will enjoy this support as Takatuf Scholars.
  • The Takatuf International Scholarship, which will be awarded to ten designated students, provides comprehensive support for an enriched and intensive undergraduate experience. Two-years of international, residential pre-university preparatory school together with four years of undergraduate study culminating in a degree will be funded. While this is a generous programme, it does not support completion of a medical degree.
  • The study of medicine is different in different countries. In the United States and Canada, for example, students must complete an undergraduate degree prior to entering medical school. The Takatuf International Scholarship would fund a student through completion of the undergraduate degree, but would provide no additional funding for continued medical education.
  • The following excerpts from the web site of Harvard Medical Schoolare illustrative of how medical education progresses in North America:
  • The study of medicine is a powerful integration of science, technologies, experience, and experiment that enables its students to alleviate human pain and suffering wherever in the world it may occur. At its finest, it is a quest to improve the human condition.
  • To study medicine at Harvard is to prepare to play a leading role in this quest.
  • For over two centuries, Harvard Medical School has excelled not only in teaching the practice of medicine but also in bringing out the best in those who practice it.
  • Accessed at:
  • The Committee on Admissions evaluates applications based on several factors, including:
    • Academic Records
    • Applicant's essay
    • Medical College Admission Test scores
    • Extracurricular activities
    • Summer Occupations
    • Life experiences
    • Experience in the health field, including research or community work
    • Letters of evaluation
  • The Faculty of Medicine accepts applications from current students in good standing and graduates of accredited colleges who:
    • Present evidence that their intellectual and personal credentials are of such quality as to predict success in the study and practice of medicine.
    • Demonstrate aptitude in the biological and physical sciences during their undergraduate years, but not to the exclusion of the humanities and social sciences. (A study at Harvard Medical School has shown that students are successful in their medical studies regardless of undergraduate concentration, providing that they have had adequate science preparation. Students are urged to strive for a balanced and liberal education rather than specialized training. No preference is given to applicants who have majored in the sciences over those who have majored in the humanities.)
  • Accessed at:
  • If you visit can read the profile of some of Harvard Medical School’s current students, and match your own preparation and interests against theirs.
  • The information from the Harvard Medical School website quoted above is purely for informational purposes. There is no relationship or affiliation of any kind between Harvard University or the Harvard Medical School and The Takatuf Scholars Programme.
What are the benefits to being a Takatuf Scholar if I do not receive one of the international scholarships?
  • Those who are selected as Takatuf Scholars are among the brightest and the best Grade 11 students in the Sultanate of Oman. Those who succeed in completing the programme – which is entirely voluntary – have demonstrated not only their motivation and potential, but their ability to meet challenges and learn from them.
  • Those who complete the pre-university programme are recognized as Takatuf Scholars always. Not only will this allow you to continue to benefit from the learning opportunities and academic advising that the programme hosts, it will also allow you to learn of the opportunities – such as internships or training events – that will be available from time to time.
  • dapibus leo.
  • The Takatuf Scholars Programme office will stay in touch with you throughout your university studies. We will be monitoring your progress, and whenever possible identifying ways in which you might enrich your studies. You will continue to have access to your e-Portfolio on the Epsilen platform, which will be an important part of your demonstration of skills and abilities to future employers. The staff of internationally experienced educators will, moreover, be prepared to advise those of you who are seeking post-graduate programme advice or applied learning opportunities throughout your careers.
  • The Takatuf Scholars Programme is an exceptional and prestigious programme that will grow in importance and reputation, not only in Oman but also internationally. Being recognized as a Takatuf Scholar is an important part of building your ‘social capital’ and your network, both of which are important assets for success in the global knowledge economy. After graduation, you will be invited to become a member of the Takatuf Scholars Alumni group, which will in turn build awareness of the programme and allow you to positively impact the futures of other potential Takatuf Scholars and Oman.

National Scholarship

When do applications open for ? 

Dates of applications are announced by Takatuf along with requirements and criteria through different social media channels. This typically happens in spring semester and the application window is open for a month.

What are the requirements to apply in ? 
  • This scholarship is available to Omani nationals who are registered in Grade 12 at the point of application. It is also available to students who have earned their General Education Diploma at an Omani school in the three previous years.
  • Students from Al WustaGovernorate must achieve Pass in their General Education Diploma, including passing grades in all courses (based on the last available transcript) 
  • Students from all other governorates must score 70% in the overall average of their General Education Diploma and a score C or above in English (based in the last available transcript.) 
  • To be considered for the programme, the student must complete the application process in English and upload all required documents. Incomplete applications or those not submitted in English will not be considered. 
Where should I apply? And what does the application consist of? 

Go to LINK to create an application. The application process will require you to enter your personal details, your family details, and your school details including the subjects you study and your scores. You will also be asked to upload a copy of your transcript, your national I.D (or passport) and your photo. You will also be asked to have your parents sign and upload a Parental Consent Form (downloadable from the website). 

How do I know my application is accepted and What will be next? 
  • Once you have completed an application, press submit. If everything is complete, you will receive a message indicating that the application is complete. You will also receive an email.  Please note that completing the application process does not automatically lead to enrolment into the programme. 
  • In response to a completed application, you will receive an email from the programmeadministration advising you of the date, time and location of your testing session. 
  • There will be one testing location in each one of the eleven governorates of Oman. You will be offered the chance to select your preferred testing location in the online application platform
What happens after I complete the tests? 
  • You will be provided with your English language test scores. 
  • Top-scoring candidates will be invited to complete a writing sample and an interview through an online platform. The interviews are scheduled When will I know if I have a scholarship offer? 
  • A long list of qualified students is generated after the interviews have been completed. 
  • Immediately upon the receipt of your GED results, your GED scores need to be submitted through the online application platform within 48 hours. 
  • You will receive an email advising you of the university/college admission application 
  • The scholarship is confirmed once your university offer is received 
How long is the scholarship for? 

The scholarship allows for one year of attending a foundation program course followed by four years of university education leading to a first university degree. 

What specializations can I study under this scholarship? 

You will be able to study any specialization that is offered by one of the universities/colleges specified by the prorgamme administration, provided that you are offered a seat in the university/college and specialization, and that the programme can be completed in four academic years. 

What is different about this scholarship? 
  • This scholarship provides you with a monthly stipend to cover your expenses, in addition to covering all your tuition fees. Moreover, you will receive program assistance in terms of tutoring/mentoring besides monitoring and follow up from Takatuf Oman. 
  • We test to identify potential for success that may not be evident on your transcript 
Are there any quotas for male or female students? 

No. The scholarships will be offered based on merit. 

Are there any quotas for students from particular governorates? 

No. However, given that Duqm Refinery will be operating in Alwusta governorate, preference will be given to applicants from the governorate. 

Who do I contact if I have a problem? 

Email us at